Free Shipping Bar Information
  • General Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Shipping Bar Information
  • What to display Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    What to display
    Enter the free shipping threshold. Buyers whose orders reach this amount will receive delivery for free
    Enter the initial message in the free shipping bar displayed to buyers
    Enter the second message when buyers' orders haven't reached the goal
    Enter the congratulation message when buyers' orders reach the goal
    If Yes, the bar can be clicked to link to a different URL
    This can be the link to the Free Shipping policy page
    Select Yes to open the link in a new tab
    Design Template
    Limit value from 0 -> 1. If value higher than 1, system will use default value is 1
    Recommended size: 150x50 px. Supported format: jpg, jpeg, png.
    Preview Template
  • Where to display Changes have been made to this section that have not been saved. This tab contains invalid data. Please resolve this before saving.
    Where to display
    Select page(s) to display the free shipping bar
    Enter handle name(s) of page(s) to display free shipping bars.
    Page(s) are separated by line breaks.
    Page(s) with URL(s) containing the above path(s) will be selected to display free shipping bars.
    Page(s) are separated by line breaks.
    Enter handle name(s) of page(s) NOT to display free shipping bars.
    Page(s) are separated by line breaks.
    Page(s) with URL(s) containing the above path(s) will not selected to display free shipping bars.
    Page(s) are separated by line breaks.

    Use the following code to show the shipping bar block in any place you want

    CMS Page/Static Block
    {{block class="Mageplaza\FreeShippingBar\Block\FreeShippingBar" template="Mageplaza_FreeShippingBar::insertshippingbar.phtml" rule_id="3"}}
    Template .phtml file
    <?php echo $block->getLayout()->createBlock("Mageplaza\FreeShippingBar\Block\FreeShippingBar")->setTemplate("insertshippingbar.phtml")->setRuleId("3")->toHtml();?>
    Layout file
                <block class="Mageplaza\FreeShippingBar\Block\FreeShippingBar" template="Mageplaza_FreeShippingBar::insertshippingbar.phtml" name="mp_freeshippingbar_insert">
                        <argument name="rule_id" xsi:type="string">3</argument>